The NEST Initiative Association

The NEST Initiative is a non-profit member-based organization incorporated in Ecublens, VD, Switzerland, on 4 October 2012. Any natural (i.e., you as an individual) or legal (e.g., your company or university) person sharing and supporting the goals of the NEST Initiative can become a member of the Initiative.

The long-term development of the Initiative is determined by its General Assembly, which comprises all members of the Initiative, although only active members have the right to vote in the assembly; active membership is based on continuous contributions to our joint software-development efforts. The General Assembly elects a board of directors to run the Initiative on a day-to-day basis.

Please see our Membership page if you would like to join the NEST Initiative.

Our Statutes

The “life” of the NEST Initiative is regulated by its statutes. Since the Initiative is incorporated in Switzerland, the officially binding statutes are written in German as one of Switzerlands official languages. We also provide an English translation for information.

The board of directors

The board of directors is elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years and consists of the President and between two and four further members.

The work of the board is regulated by the Statutes and by-law (Geschäftsordnung) for the board.