Hello all,
Hope everyone is staying safe and well in these difficult times.
I am an undergrad who is just getting started with this library, so I want to apologize in advance for the basic question. I am having issues I believe are memory-related when I call GetConnections on rather small networks. Here is my script:
import nest
# memory testing
n = 5 # number of neurons
epop1 = nest.Create("iaf_psc_alpha",n)
epop2 = nest.Create("iaf_psc_alpha",n)
nest.Connect(epop1,epop2,{'rule': 'all_to_all'})
# we can now query the synapses using GetConnections
conns = nest.GetConnections(epop1,target = epop2)
This runs fine for n < 5, but I get the following error with n >=5:
Assertion failed: (source_lid < MAX_LID), function set_source_lid, file /usr/local/miniconda/conda-bld/nest-simulator_1583214474797/work/nestkernel/target_data.h, line 264.
Abort trap: 6
I have run some of the example scripts like brunel_alpha_numpy with a few thousand neurons and they work just fine.
Am I making an improper call to GetConnections here? And if so, what is a better way to dynamically check connectivity?
Alternatively, might there be something wrong with my Nest environment? And if so, what should I look at to troubleshoot this?
Thank you so much for your help.
Best wishes,