yes you can insert specific start and stop points. When I used VTune I needed to include this header in the file containing the critical code sections: "#include <ittnotify.h>". I started the measurement on the C++ level with "__itt_resume();" and stopped it with "__itt_pause();". If I remember correctly the measurement starts in paused mode when using custom start/stop points. During compilation I needed to set these cmake flags:
-Dwith-includes=<path/to/vtune_amplifier/include/> \ -Dwith-libraries=<path/to/vtune_amplifier/lib64/libittnotify.a> \ -Dwith-debug=-g \
In general VTune is well documented and this should be explained in the documentation in more detail.
Best, Jari
________________________________ From: 512491013@qq.com 512491013@qq.com Sent: Monday, May 30, 2022 10:39:58 AM To: users@nest-simulator.org Subject: [NEST Users] Re: Test NEST performance
Hi Jari,
Thank you for your reply. This is very helpful to me.
If I want to test the calculation time of STDP and neuron respectively in the simulation stage, Can I only use the method of inserting specific start and stop points into the source code?
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