Hi Petia,

just for your information, the 'voltmeter' is just a pre-configured 'multimeter' that is set to record the voltage. It's only briefly mentioned in the mulitmeter documentation.


On 29.01.24 15:01, Petia Koprinkova wrote:
Thank you Hans!

Actually we used multimeter. In NEST documentation exact information about voltmeter is missing or we did not discovered it.


On Monday, January 29, 2024 at 03:47:00 PM GMT+2, Hans Ekkehard Plesser <hans.ekkehard.plesser@nmbu.no> wrote:

Hello Petia,

I am not quite sure if I understand your problem. The voltmeter records time, sender and voltage for each data point. In the following example, it records the voltage of two neurons. Then



{'senders': array([1, 2, 1, ..., 2, 1, 2]),
'times': array([  1.,  1.,  2., ..., 998., 999., 999.]),
'V_m': array([-68.56875477, -70.        , -67.27371053, ..., -69.89028023,
        -57.39686729, -69.90055242])}

Entries in the senders, times and V_m arrays correspond to each other, so you can group data by sender.

Also when recording to file, sender information is recorded:

# NEST version: 3.5
# RecordingBackendASCII version: 2
sender    time_ms    V_m
1    1.000    -68.569
2    1.000    -70.000
1    2.000    -67.274
2    2.000    -70.000


Hans Ekkehard
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Dr. Jessica Mitchell (she/her)

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Computational and Systems Neuroscience
Jülich Research Centre
Jülich, Germany

Email: j.mitchell@fz-juelich.de
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