Dear experts, 

I have a question about using nest on docker/vscode on my windows PC. I hope this is the right place to ask since I couldn't answer my question using the troubleshooting session. 

I am using docker to use pyNEST on my windows computer. I have successfully installed NEST using the instructions mentioned here for installing on docker:
If I am in the container, I have python version 3.8.10. If I run python and then try to "import nest"  it says there is no module named nest. Importing other python packages works perfectly in this way. But indeed, when I look at all the installed packages using pip list, there is no package called "nest". There is, however "nest-desktop 3.0.3" there. So I guess nest is not installed. However, I also don't know how to install it. If I use pip install nest, another package called nest is installed that is not the nest simulator (according to: #754).

Also, I don't know whether this problem is related or totally unrelated but it might give some insight: when I am in VScode in the nestsim/nest container and I click on python: select interpreter, nothing happens, I cannot select a python interpreter/no window opens. So maybe there is something wrong with the python installations or the used path?

I hope the problem is clear. I've been trying different things for days so I would greatly appreciate any help you can offer me! 

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

Kind regards,

Nina Doorn