Dear Itaru!
Tiziano did not write the code, but only made the initial commit when we moved to GitHub. But this is how you get famous, I guess :-)
Actually it was me who wrote parts of that code. Based on work by Markus Diesmann and Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, who based their work on the basic pool allocator ideas presented in the 3rd edition of Bjarne Stroustrup’s 1997 book The C++ Programming Language.
The fact that you find Tiziano as the author of those files means that no one touched (and probably looked at) that code in a long time. If I remember correctly, the allocator class poolis only used by neuron models (via the GenericModel template class) and SLI data objects. The PoorMansAllocator was written by Moritz Helias and myself and used in NEST’s third generation simulation kernel for allocating memory for the synapse infrastructure. I’m almost certain that this is not used anymore in the current kernel (Susanne, correct me if I’m wrong).
I hope this helps.
Best regards, Jochen!
On 09.07.21 07:41, Itaru Kitayama wrote:
If Tiziano who wrote the code could enlighten me on understanding further of the code that'd be great, but in case he left already could the Community can jump in?; The "chunks" are clearly dedicated to Nodes, but I wonder if there are cases chunks are used for other objects?
Thanks, Itaru. _______________________________________________ NEST Users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to
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