Dear Charl, Thank for your answer. And I am also confused about the code on lines 345-346, at The line 345 says 'V_.weighted_spikes_ex_ = B_.ex_spikes_.get_value( lag );', and does that means V_weighted_spikes_ex_ is the weight I set?
Except the last question, I also want to confirm whether I understand right to those code on lines 380-395(showed below), which is a handle invoked by spike event. First, the get_weight() will get the weight I set, multiplied by something(I don't know what it is, If you can answer that will be better ). Second the 's' variable will be stored in buffer by add_value() . Third when execute the code on 345 line(showed above) of update(), the get_value() will read out the 's' stored by add_value(). Fourth, does there a differential equation describing the membrane potential for the iaf_psc_alpha model? I know there are several neurons have differential equation such as gif_cond_exp neuron, this is at ,
iaf_psc_alpha::handle( SpikeEvent& e ) { assert( e.get_delay_steps() > 0 );
const double s = e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity();
if ( e.get_weight() > 0.0 ) { B_.ex_spikes_.add_value( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ), s ); } else { B_.in_spikes_.add_value( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ), s ); } } Thank you again and expect answers from you and anyone else. Best regards, Enguang