Dear Nina,

did you try the NEST docker containers available on DockerHub? There you would have NEST and a couple of other useful tools installed already.

docker run --rm -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` -v $(pwd):/opt/data -p 8080:8080 nestsim/nest:<version> notebook

Check the "Docker" section in the docs [1] details. – I'm not sure how vscode expects it's entrypoint, the 'notebook' at the end of the command is obviously for Jupyter. Other things should however work, same as any other Docker container. You can see how these ones are constructed under 'src/<version>' here [2].

Let us know how it turns out! I think this is interesting for many people either way: for others how to do it (and for developers to document it), or we know what or where to improve.




On 15.10.21 12:25, Nina Doorn wrote:
Dear experts,

I have a question about using nest on docker/vscode on my windows PC. I
hope this is the right place to ask since I couldn't answer my question
using the troubleshooting session.

I am using docker to use pyNEST on my windows computer. I have successfully
installed NEST using the instructions mentioned here for installing on
If I am in the container, I have python version 3.8.10. If I run python and
then try to "import nest"  it says there is no module named nest. Importing
other python packages works perfectly in this way. But indeed, when I look
at all the installed packages using pip list, there is no package called
"nest". There is, however "nest-desktop 3.0.3" there. So I guess nest is
not installed. However, I also don't know how to install it. If I use pip
install nest, another package called nest is installed that is not the nest
simulator (according to: #754

Also, I don't know whether this problem is related or totally unrelated but
it might give some insight: when I am in VScode in the nestsim/nest
container and I click on python: select interpreter, nothing happens, I
cannot select a python interpreter/no window opens. So maybe there is
something wrong with the python installations or the used path?

I hope the problem is clear. I've been trying different things for days so
I would greatly appreciate any help you can offer me!

Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

Kind regards,

Nina Doorn

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