Hello, my name is Arturo and I think I found a bug when calling PlotTargets using the mask plot option with an azimuthal angle > 0.
Below I give an example very easy to follow that shows that although the targets are plotted correctly, the mask is not.
Correct me if I am doing anything wrong please. I attach an image of the results also.
Thank you, Arturo.
l = topo.CreateLayer({'rows': 21, 'columns': 21, 'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha'})
conndict = {'connection_type': 'divergent', 'mask': {'rectangular': {'lower_left': [-0.3, -0.12], 'upper_right': [-0.05, 0.12], 'azimuth_angle': 45.}}, 'kernel': 1.0}
topo.ConnectLayers(l, l, conndict) fig = topo.PlotLayer(l, nodesize=40) ctr = topo.FindCenterElement(l) topo.PlotTargets(ctr, l, fig=fig, mask=conndict['mask'], src_size=250, tgt_color='red', tgt_size=20)
[image: Captura.PNG]