Dear all,
I would like to ask if there is a way to measure the actual current that is transmitted through the gap junction in NEST. With the example file, I tried to use weight_recorder for the gap junction, but only got a constant value of 0.5 (which is the "weight" set in this file). It seems the "weight" here is only the conductance in nS, after I quickly read the reference Hahne et al., 2015 Is there a way in PyNEST to record the gap junction current? Thank you for answering!
p.s. This is because I am developing astrocyte network models with NEST, which uses a "sic_connection" (slow inward current connection) that is adapted from gap_junction. I am trying to record its current in PyNEST if possible. Unfortunately because the other collaborators developed the sic_connection back then a while ago, I myself do not have an answer to this. I will try other indirect methods, if there is no way to do such a recording in PyNEST. If you have any relevant suggestions, please also kindly let me know. Thanks again.
Happy new year, Han-Jia