I answer to your questions:
1) And I trust you ran the "pynestml.__version__" in the same notebook as the
Izhikevich tutorial?
Yes, I did.
2) Did you start the notebook server from a "neutral" directory (like /tmp, or
home, or another place that does not itself contain a directory named
My 'Iz.ipynb' file, where the Iz. tutorial code is written, is located inside the
'nestml' folder that was created after the NESTML installing process. If I copy
and paste 'Iz.ipynb' in another folder I obtain:
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-15d9cc694aa4> in <module>
5 import os
----> 7 from pynestml.frontend.pynestml_frontend import generate_nest_target
9 NEST_SIMULATOR_INSTALL_LOCATION = nest.ll_api.sli_func("statusdict/prefix
ImportError: cannot import name 'generate_nest_target' from