Dear Allen,

The Izhikevich model (as published by the author) has some numerical issues, which the Izhikevich model (in the NEST source) does not have. Some of the phenomena reported in the polychronization papers can be accounted for by these instabilities in the implementation. Also, the STDP model used in the original paper does not perfectly match the STDP synapse shipped with NEST. We investigated this quite thoroughly in this paper:

for which the complete code (including the relevant STDP synapse variant) is available:

Hope this helps!

All the best,


On 22.11.21 03:57, Allen Rabayda wrote:
Dear Nest Users,

  Has anyone used any NEST Synapse Models to create Gamma Rhythms during a simulation with the NEST Izhikevich Neuron model?  

  My simulation, which uses the Stdp-Synapse model (additive type) does not appear to be converging into gamma rhythms (w/bi-model wt distribution) using super-threshold poisson point process (ref: Polychronization Computation With Spikes (Izhikevich, 2006), 
  • DOI: 10.1162/089976606775093882)

  •   Thanks for any suggestions,

    Best Regards,

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