Dear Jan,
At the beginning of my code I save connections using:
At the end of execution I use:
that is, just writting to a new file.
Now I realized that between Run() calls, I update (using SetStatus()) the rate of a poisson_generator that send spikes to my ll_exc layer ... May be that is the reason? What is sure is that I do not change anything of my ll_exc layer between Run() calls.
To solve this, I seen at stimulation backends, but cannot realize the name of the file (not sure what node_id refers to) and how to define the "rate" value inside {data_path}/{data_prefix}{label}/{node_id}.txt ... If I have 10k poisson_generators (each one with its one rate) do I have to create 10k files?
I am using NEST 3.3 compiled with mpi.
Thanks a lot in advance.