Dear Thanh Binh To,

Thanks for your interest in trying the structural plasticity functionality in NEST.

For the first point, the Poisson generator in NEST produces a unique spike train for each of its targets. You can find more about the details of the Poisson generator here:

About points 2 and 3, at the beginning of the simulation there are no connections in this network, the connections are generated as time goes by and compatible synaptic elements become available in the different populations. For more details on this implementation please look at:

I hope this was helpful. If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out.

All the best,


On 24.07.24 16:59, Thanh Binh To wrote:
Dear all,
in this example for structural plasticity with synaptic element, the network has
- 2 spiking populations of StructuralPlasticityNode: one for excitation (size Nexc) and the other for inhibition (size Ninh)
        self.nodes_e = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha',  self.number_excitatory_neurons, {'synaptic_elements': synaptic_elements})
        self.nodes_i = nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha',   self.number_inhibitory_neurons,  {'synaptic_elements': synaptic_elements_i})
- and 1 Poisson generator for creating a noise spike, that is sent to all neurons.
        noise = nest.Create('poisson_generator')
        nest.Connect(noise, self.nodes_e, 'all_to_all',  {'weight': self.psc_ext, 'delay': 1.0})
        nest.Connect(noise, self.nodes_i, 'all_to_all',   {'weight': self.psc_ext, 'delay': 1.0})
Could someone explain me follows:
1. I understood that at time T, poisson Generator generates one spike. If correct, all neurons receive this spike at the same time instance, ans it makes no sense!
    I do not know if poisson generator generates some spikes and sends them to randomly chosen neurons?
2. How the connection pattern between nodes_e and nodes_i at the beginning?
3. How the neuron connection pattern within nodes_e and within nodes_i at the beginning?
Is there any reference paper or documentation about the concept of structural plasticity with synaptic element, that is implemented in NEST?
Thank you very much for help.
With kind regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thanh Binh To

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