Dear NESTML community,
I have a problem with random number generator in the new version of nestml. Specifically, I am using
nest 3.6.0 nestml 7.0
This is what I would like to do:
whenever creating a neuron with a set of parameters defined by the user, each parameter should be affected by a "gaussian error" with defined variability.
I tried to use the internal random_normal() function but with the current version I am getting some issues there. Specifically, whenever trying to call such function from the "internals", "parameters", "state" blocks the model is correctly generated (no errors returned) but exits with en error whenever trying to "install".
The error is the following
Assertion failed: (tid < static_cast< size_t >( vp_specific_rngs_.size() )), function get_vp_specific_rng, file my/path/to/miniforge3/conda-bld/nest-simulator_1707218961774/work/nestkernel/random_manager.h, line 173. [1] 32875 abort python
Such problem does not exist for random_normal() called within the update and equations blocks.
Attached some minimal code to reproduce the error.