Dear all,
After the quite silent NEST 3.5 release on GitHub in July we have waited a bit to publish the DOI record. Now we have completed the last step of the release process and I am happy to announce the completed NEST Simulator 3.5.
When using this version of NEST in your work you can cite it as
Haug et al. (2023). NEST 3.5. Zenodo.
As usual the full citation record and other citation formats for this and other versions are available on Zenodo.
Thanks to all of you for being in this enthusiastic community and a very special thanks to everyone that contributed to this release! We're looking forward to the exciting scientific results you may produce with this tool!
Dipl.-Phys. Dennis Terhorst
Coordinator Software Development
Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine
Computational and Systems Neuroscience (INM-6) &
Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6)
Theoretical Neuroscience & JARA (INM-10)
Jülich Research Center, Member of the Helmholz Association
52425 Jülich, Germany
Phone +49 2461 61-85062
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Stefan Müller
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Astrid Lambrecht (Vorsitzende),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Dr. Ir. Pieter Jansens