I think there is an error in https://nest-simulator.readthedocs.io/en/stable/auto_examples/plot_weight_ma...
* min(E_neurons)and min(I_neurons) should be replace to
* min(E_neurons.tolist()) and min(I_neurons.tolist())or some other way to get the right values
The file plot_weight_matrices.py just contain a def plot_weight_matrices(E_neurons, I_neurons). If it had a complete code to create nodes, assign weights then plot the weight matrixes, the error could have been caught automatically (CI/CD)?
Best, Inton
Dear Inton,
I can reproduce this error, and have created an issue for it on the NEST-simulator Github page: https://github.com/nest/nest-simulator/issues/2138 Further discussion will take place there.
Thanks for reporting this! Best wishes, Stine
________________________________ Fra: Ing Jyh Tsang IngJyh.Tsang@uantwerpen.be Sendt: fredag 27. august 2021 15:30 Til: users@nest-simulator.org users@nest-simulator.org Emne: [NEST Users] NEST 3.0: Plot weight matrices example ERROR
I think there is an error in https://nest-simulator.readthedocs.io/en/stable/auto_examples/plot_weight_ma...
· min(E_neurons)and min(I_neurons) should be replace to
· min(E_neurons.tolist()) and min(I_neurons.tolist())or some other way to get the right values
The file plot_weight_matrices.py just contain a def plot_weight_matrices(E_neurons, I_neurons). If it had a complete code to create nodes, assign weights then plot the weight matrixes, the error could have been caught automatically (CI/CD)?