NEST Conference 2025
June 17–18, 2025 | Online
Registration now open! Submit your abstract by 15 April 2025!
The Neural Simulation Technology Initiative
The NEST Initiative has advanced computational neuroscience since 2001 by pushing the limits of large-scale simulations of biologically realistic neuronal networks. Since 2012, the NEST Initiative is incorporated as a non-profit member-based organization promoting scientfic collaboration in computational neuroscience.
The Board and Members govern the NEST Initiative in accordance to its Statutes.
What we do
As a community of developers:
- We coordinate and guide the development of the NEST Simulator.
- We regularly publish on simulation technology, data structures and algorithms for large-scale neuronal network simulation:
Latest Publications
Tiddia G, Golosio B, Albers J, Senk J, Simula F, Pronold J, Fanti V, Pastorelli E, Paolucci PS and van Albada SJ. (2022) Fast Simulation of a Multi-Area Spiking Network Model of Macaque Cortex on an MPI-GPU Cluster. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Feldotto B, Eppler JM, Jimenez-Romero C, Bignamini C, Gutierrez CE, Albanese U, Retamino E, Vorobev V, Zolfaghari V, Upton A, Sun Z, Yamaura H, Heidarinejad M, Klijn W, Morrison A, Cruz F, McMurtrie C, Knoll AC., Igarashi J, Yamazaki T, Doya K and Morin FO. (2022) Deploying and Optimizing Embodied Simulations of Large-Scale Spiking Neural Networks on HPC Infrastructure. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Stapmanns J, Hahne J, Helias M, Bolten M, Diesmann M and Dahmen D (2021) Event-Based Update of Synapses in Voltage-Based Learning Rules. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Spreizer S, Senk J, Rotter S, Diesmann M and Weyers B (2021) NEST Desktop, an Educational Application for Neuroscience. eNeuro
Jordan J, Helias M, Diesmann M and Kunkel S (2020) Efficient Communication in Distributed Simulations of Spiking Neuronal Networks With Gap Junctions. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Blundell I, Plotnikov D, Eppler JM. and Morrison A (2018) Automatically Selecting a Suitable Integration Scheme for Systems of Differential Equations in Neuron Models. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
You will find a detailed bibliography of publications on simulation technology and NEST-based computational neuroscience studies on our Publications page.
- We teach NEST as summer schools, workshops and tutorials and provide user and developer support:
More Activities…
How to join us
There are many ways to be a part of the NEST Community.
- If you want to work with NEST you should definitely sign up for our NEST User and Announcement mailing lists and share your experiences with other NESTies.
- If you want to work on NEST as a developer, stay abreast of the newest developments and contribute your own code to NEST, the NEST GitHub Repository is the place to go. Here, you will find current source code, our bug tracker, and developer discussions; plus, you can contribute your own code via pull requests.
- As an active developer contributing code to NEST, you are welcome to join the NEST Initiative as an active member and shape the future developement of NEST. You will find more information on our Membership page.
- If you just want to support the goals of the NEST Initiative without contributing code, you are welcome to join us as a community member, as described on our Membership page.
Welcome aboard!